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I am paralyzed

You are no

Longer with me.

I can no

Longer breathe.

My soul

And my future

Wrapped up

In your delicious,

Warm, strong arms

Is now crushed

Under the weight

Of what never was.

I can no

Longer fathom

A world with color.

I will never

Again be whole.

It was always


Now it


And I am alone,

Dark, longing,

Hating that I

Ever allowed

Myself to be

Sucked into

Your web of lies.

Knowing you

So well,

You would think

I would have

Known the truth.

I did,

I just

Turned my

Back on it.

I am drowning.

I am overcome.

I am without ME.

I am without YOU.

I am without LIFE.